"His hand-writing, spelling, reading have improved significantly and math comes easily to him now. He made the Honour Roll and has greater confidence!"
Stephanie S

At 9 years old Ashton could not read! He was extremely sensitive to sound and was very anti-social. Ashton had been to 9 different doctors and nobody could help him.
Tonya B.

“Myles is so much more happy and confident in his abilities now, creating a much more enjoyable atmosphere for all at home.”
Cortrina S

Margo seems so much more comfortable and confident in school! She went from being below grade level to AB honor roll this year.
Nikki F.

Diagnosed with severe hypotonia and developmental delay, we were told she would likely not have quality of life. When we came to see Dr. Paat, Cheridan was not able to dress herself, go to the bathroom by herself, unable to carry a conversation, did not make eye contact was very emotional and reactive to her environment. She as come such a long way, she can hop, skip, jump - we have enrolled her in dance, she can talk on the phone to family members, she can dress herself and make her own sandwiches and go to the bathroom by herself! It is amazing and we are forever grateful.
Laura B

"With approval from his pediatrician, Gabe no longer requires his ADHD medication. For the first time he made the honour roll and has improved reading, focus and concentration. He no longer suffers with anxiety and outbursts. No more bed-wetting!”
Tiffany F.

Being a teacher myself I understand the challenges that my daughter Faith was experiencing in the classroom and since working with Dr. Paat we have seen a significant increase in all of her grades, especially math, which was below grade level and she finished 2nd grade with most improved in math.
Faith’s reading and writing has also improved, she is not mixing up letters like she had in the past and she has improved on her comprehension as well.
She is a much more calm child, cooperative, and more considerate of others. We don’t struggle with clothing issues, emotional outbursts, constant fidgeting, silly repetitive questions, or sensitivity to sound. She seems much more aware of those around her and socially she is getting along better with her siblings and peers.
She has come a long way and we are very proud of her progress.
Christy S

"Evan was having difficulty with reading and comprehension. He no longer struggles and for the first time he received straight A's on his report card."
Carmen T.