Optimal development during the first year!
Dr. Paat will provide a specialized evaluation and specific developmental exercises, tools and advice to provide your baby the best opportunity for ideal neurodevelopment, especially during the first year of life.
Various common signs or symptoms of nervous system irritation include colic, reflux, latching challenges, torticollis, difficulty sleeping, gas, dislike of tummy time, digestive issues, preference to use one side of the body, picky eater, difficulty rolling over (or only goes one way), unique crawling technique, frequent ear infections, late to walk or talk. Regardless of whether or not your child has experienced the above signs of irritation or not, it is advised to have a functional assessment to ensure ideal development.
Factors that often cause interruptions in neuromotor development:
Stress of the mother and/or baby during pregnancy
Birth trauma, breech, forceps, vacuum, Cesarean, slow/fast or induced birth
Lack of movement in utero (due to low amniotic fluid, for example)
Extended periods of time in car seats/carriers, jumpers, walkers, bouncy seats or swaddled, restricting the ability for reflexive, whole body movements.
Illness, trauma, injury, chronic stress, torticollis
Other developmental delays
When there is trauma or stress related to the birth process often this can interfere with the elicitation of our primitive reflexes. Innate reflexes that are designed to help maneuver the baby through the birth canal. These reflexive, automated movements are also essential for optimal motor development and neurological stimulation within the first year of life. Children and adults who experience injury, trauma, underlying pathological reasons, illness or stress may also express primitive reflexes beyond their intended need.